

most pathetic use of a calculator

a waitress using it to work out 10 - 3 = 7

previous best was a shopkeeper doing 2.20 * 2 = 4.40



happy Weierstrass function day

the Weierstrass function is 134 years old today.




A wikipedia article I wrote about the 'hacker group' Bantown is being considered for deletion. Now may be your last chance to read my first foray into outlaw journalism. You can also register your opinion as to whether or not this article should be deleted on the discussion page at the second link above.



Question 5.1.43

Are you married? Do you have children? What does your spouse do? How is your family? Where were you born? How old are you? These are all illegal questions in Canada and the US. Most question about family background, religion, marital status, and so on are illegal. Although illegal, you should be prepared to answer these questions.

Heard On The Street: Quantitative questions from Wall Street job interviews



naples airport arrivals board running windows

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